
Friday, August 10, 2012

Operation Weight Loss Week 2

Week 2 was completely different from week 1, and it's because I had cravings for sugar. I swear I was like a drug addict that needed their fix! But I did good, I didn't give in, I didn't have sweets, so proud of myself!

As far as food intake, I've still been doing portion control and taking the OEP's. Week 1 I was taking 2 pills a day. This week for 2 days I only took 1 pill a day and still did good with my food intake, so I'm happy about that.

For breakfast, I've been having a smoothie and that fills me up for a good part of the day. I've been trying to keep myself busy also so food isn't on my mind and it's working for the most part.

Other then that nothing has really changed. Read more to see pictures from last week, and this week.

Last week I lost 6.8lbs and came in at 138.8. This week I lost 2.4lbs and came in at 136.4. Not bad. I know the more weeks I go the harder it will be for the pounds to come off, but I'm fine with that. As long as I can lose 2lbs a week I'll be good. You can't really tell from the pictures but thats ok the scale speaks, lol.

Next week I plan to step my workout up to 2 times a day and see how that works for me.

Operation Weight Loss Week 1
Operation Weight Loss Start

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