
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pico De Gallo Recipe

I don't know about you but one of my favorite things to snack on is chips and salsa. Im talking about home made salsa, not that store junk that has sugar (seriously who puts sugar in salsa?) I learned how to make my own a few years ago and didn't really perfect it (to my liking) until maybe a year and a half ago. I like home made salsa, because it's healthier, tastes better, and you know whats in it (the best part) My recipe is pretty easy and anyone can make it. Here is what you need

  •  4 Roma tomatos (this will make a nice size batch)
  • 2 jalapeno peppers (I only used one, but if you like your stuff spicy add 2)
  • 1/2 a lemon (use a fresh lemon instead of that plastic bottle stuff
  • 1/2 Onion (I used red, you can use white if you wish)
  • Cilantro (I add a little then more if need be)
  • Seasoning salt
  • Garlic powder
  • Black pepper
These items just give it a extra kick!

Now these next steps is what works for ME you can cut up your veggies how YOU like, mix how YOU like. After all the best thing about making food is experimenting. I use a food processor to chop up all my veggies. it saves me time. If you don't have one (even though I highly recommend getting one) just chop up veggies finely
  1. Cut up the roma tomatoes into halves and stick into food processor, chop up, put into container.
  2. Cut stems off jalapeƱo peppers (take out seeds if you don't want real spicy salsa) put in food processor
  3. Put onion into food processor with peppers, chop up
  4. Put cilantro in food processor, chop up
  5. Now that everything is in the container add 1/2 lemon juice
  6. Add seasoning (optional)
  7. Stir and enjoy!
Thats it! Pretty simple huh? Sure you can add even more veggies if you like i.e corn see what works for you!

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